NESTLADY Collagen Collection (Select Organic Pure Peach Gum 150g+Natural Wild Tragacanth Gum “Snow Swallow” 110g+Natural Honey Locust Wild Gleditsia 100g)

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Natural Wild Tragacanth Gum “Snow Swallow"

  • Moisturizing, fat-reducing and supports digestive system health.
  • It can inhibit the absorption of sucrose, reduce the rise of blood sugar, prevent obesity, high blood pressure and high blood fat.
  • Regulates the growth of human collagen, making the skin smooth, firm and radiance.                                                                   

NESTLADY Select Organic Pure Peach Gum (Peach Blossom Tears)

  • Lowering fat
  • Improving blood pressure
  • Reducing high blood fat
  • Decreasing blood sugar
  • Rich in antioxidants

Natural Honey Locust Wild Gleditsia (Snow Lotus Seed)

  • high amounts of plant fiber and plant collagen
  • Suitable for consumption at all ages

Collagen Collection (Select Organic Pure Peach Gum 150g+Natural Wild Tragacanth Gum “Snow Swallow” 110g+Natural Honey Locust Wild Gleditsia 100g)

About Collagen Collection (Select Organic Pure Peach Gum 150g+Natural Wild Tragacanth Gum “Snow Swallow” 110g+Natural Honey Locust Wild Gleditsia 100g)


Peach gum is a resin secreted from the bark of peach trees, also known as peach nectar and peach blossom tears. Peach gum is a natural secretion from the epidermis of peach trees, a natural nutrient with high nutritional value in peach trees. Peach gum contains carbohydrates, rich protein and plant collagen. In traditional Chinese medicine, it has the magical effects of clearing blood and lowering lipids, relieving stress and anti-wrinkle skin rejuvenation.

The history of eating snow swallows in India has been more than 1,000 years. The local people trek through mountains and rivers to pick wild snow swallows and offer them to the royal palace nobles for food. It has also been popular in Southeast Asia for a hundred years, and women from wealthy local business families have used snow swallow juice as a way of beauty. The snow swallow has a sour taste when it is secreted. After the snow swallow is soaked, the sour taste disappears immediately, and there is no sour taste when eaten.

Ginsenosia is commonly known as snow lotus seed and Giacinia saponaria, which is the fruit of Giacinia sorbifolia. It is a high-energy, high-carbohydrate, low-protein, and low-fat food. It also contains plant-based dietary fiber, plant collagen, which has the effects of nourishing the heart, clearing the bloodstream, clearing the liver, and improving eyesight. The product is selected from natural saponins harvested from the 10-year-old saponaria tree. Suitable for all ages, suitable for people who lose weight, constipation, and postpartum breastfeeding.
How to use


Storage conditions It is strongly recommended that you store the items in a dry environment.


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