NESTLADY Warm Heart Three-piece Combination Red Goji Berries 150g+Lotus Seed 150g+Red Date 200g
- Goji berries: Rich in essential amino acids, vitamins C and A, High in protein and fiber, Powerful antioxidant, Supports the body’s immune system
- Lotus seed: Treats Insomnia, Good for Diabetic patients, Anti-Aging, Heal diarrhea, Reducing blood pressure
- Jujube date: Jujube date are low in calories and high in fiber. They also offer several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and potassium. Jujubes are rich in antioxidants, and it has been used to improve sleep, help with anxiety, and boost the immune system.

Warm Heart Three-piece Combination
About Warm Heart Three-piece Combination
Goji berries: Rich in essential amino acids, vitamins C and A, and high in protein and fiber. For thousands of years, the mildly sweet Goji Berry has been used in ancient Chinese medicine to support longevity! Powerful antioxidant to complement a healthy lifestyle that supports the body’s immune system, brain, skin, and heart health, among other dietary benefits. Our Goij Berries are Non GMO, it contains no artificial flavors or preservatives, gluten free, kosher and vegan friendly. Bring bright red-orange coloring and natural color added for dessert, smoothies, teas and cuisine
Lotus seed: Lotus is an aquatic plant, belonging to the family Nelumbonaceae. While the flower is used for decorative purposes, the lotus seeds, have been used as a functional food since ancient times, all over Asia. The lotus seed plays a vital role in traditional medicine practices; it is also used as a dry powder in bread dough to add on the functional properties of bread. As a traditional medicinal component, this lotus seed is used in the treatment of inflammation, cancer, diuretics, and skin diseases and for treating many ailments, including insomnia, palpitations, poor digestion, chronic diarrhea, enteritis, and cancer. Nutritionally it has a solid content of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins including vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin A and E, and other essential minerals like magnesium, potassium and sodium. They also contain abundant amounts of phytochemicals, with valuable anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant traits.
Jujube date: Jujube fruit, also known as red or Chinese date, is native to Southern Asia but has become popular around the world. These small round fruits with a seed-containing pit grow on large flowering shrubs or trees (Ziziphus jujuba). When ripe, they’re dark red or purple and may appear slightly wrinkled. Due to their sweet taste and chewy texture, they’re often dried and used in candies and desserts in parts of Asia where they commonly grow.
How to use
It is strongly recommended that you store the items in a dry environment and keep them sealed.